Thursday, December 8, 2011

How long does it take to get your passport?

My passport has expired plus I need to change my name on it (got married) on average how long does it take to receive the new one. Also my husband is applying for a passport is it the same amount of time to renew as it is to apply for original?|||Because of the new passport regulations going into effect on June 1st, this might delay getting your passports in time because people with travel plans will be applying like crazy. There are good services available however, that will get you your passports in a 24-hour turn-around and they are not that expensive, so it's well worth it! See the reference below, there is a good article on it.

Have fun!|||It took us around 6 weeks and that was after we did the express delivery. They usually tell you though 6-8 weeks but they are normally really backed up and warn against pushing it because it usually takes longer than that.|||2 weeks

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