Thursday, December 15, 2011

My landlord demands that I have to pay $45,000 due to rise of cost of living increase. What should I do?

I have 8 year business lease with optional 5 years. I have been paying the rent($3,600) without any rent increase for that past 8 years. Rent for the term is $216,000 plust cost of living increase annually. For the last 8 years, my landlord has never notified me of any rent increase. But, now he demands that I have to pay $45,000, cost of living increase for the last 8 years, as a single payment. And he told me he will not renew my lease until I pay this amount in full. Least term ends in July, 2007. I am not able to pay this amount in full. What's my legal rights? What should I do? please help.|||that much monies involved plus potential loss of your space means get a lawyer to give you advice, need to read your lease compare it to state statute and give you an idea on what to do|||get yourself a lawyer,some one is trying to scam you|||Contact a lawyer. Because what is sounds like, you are supposed to pay the cost of living expense annually. If he did not tell you about it for the past 7 years (annually) then I dont think he can make you pay it.|||He is obviously trying to force you out to bring in somebody else willing to pay a higher rent. What he is doing is unreasonable but he is presumably the owner? Do you have a lawyer who can check the terms of the lease for you and advise you? In England a person in such a situation would visit Citizen's Advice Bureau or local Law Center (both free). I am sure there is something similar in American cities.|||First of all a lawyer is needed.

Second the language of your lease will tell you whether you agreed to allow him to charge you at any time for back due cost of living increases that he had not charged you for. If your lease does not allow him to go backwards on that charge but only on the new renewal date then you should tell him that you're sorry but no go.|||You are screwed.He can charge anything he wants for the place in any manner he wishes unless it is section 8 housing or subsidized housing or rent controled housing. Tough luck! I suggest you get ready to move!

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