Thursday, December 15, 2011

Question about legality of charging different rent rates to tenants?

OK, I have lived in an apt. for 6 months, and it is time for me to renew my lease. The apartment complex recently lowed there rent by 100 bucks/month. Naturally, when I went in to renew, asking if i would be

charged the new rate, they said no, and said the new rate was only for new tenants. Can they legally do this? Am I entitled to the lower amount as well?|||There are no laws requiring that rent ever be lowered, nor are there laws requiring every apartment to have the same rental amount.|||They can charge you any rate they desire. You are not entitled to a matching rate because of their new tenant offer. Your choice is to accept what they offer or move elsewhere (perhaps where they are offering a lower rate to new tenants.)|||No, you are not entitled to the lower rent. The apartment community has every right to offer specials for new tenants. |||Yes, the complex can charge new tenants less than existing tenants. Concessions for new move-ins are common.

They're betting that you won't go through the hassle and expense of moving. However, $100/mo is significant. You should consider giving your move-out notice and finding a move-in deal somewhere else. If they value your residency and don't want another vacancy, they may cave and offer you deal. |||Absolutely legal and legitimate for LL to charge different tenants different rent rates. Many variables. No right to lower rent, you have right to move out. However, LL should be willing to negotiate with you, IF you've been a good tenant with good payment record. Maybe you can split the decrease? Talk to manager, not just first person on phone, be polite, businesslike, and request that you be able to renew your lease at new, lower rate. Listen to them. It's to their advantage to keep a good tenant and to avoid the wear and tear of moving you out and another in. BUT it is NOT your right, so be polite, positive, friendly. And make up your mind ahead of time whether you'll stay or move if you don't get any decrease. Many places give rental incentives to new tenants, to get them in the place, particularly if rental market is not good.|||Yes they can.

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