Thursday, December 15, 2011

Must we redesign EVERYTHING made in the world to be as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible?

Is this the only stratagy to continue the survival AND prosperiety of mankind without causing a total enviromental collapse , or completely running out of resources due to them being managed in a way that is NOT sustainible? If the enviroment could be kept healthy worldwide and resources managed in a way that they are renewed, in the amounts needed, so they never run out, wouldn't this allow for prosperiety without it being a threat to survival into the future forever? or if that's not possible at the very least would it push those two events as far into the future as humanly possible, degrading the enviroment as slowly as possible, and streching resources as far as they can go, as long as it is continueally attempted on a daily and yearly basis? Either event occouring would, of course, totally collapse civilization, also meaning the economy would cease to exsist meaning NOONE would make ANY more money, meaning capitalists have just as much vestited intrest in this as anyone, right?|||You seem to have investigated into this matter already as if it was your thesis. Is it? Well, all I can tell you is that you are completely right in your analysis. People who have studied and researched environmental science (like me) know one thing different from the general public and that is the fact that in this finite earth, resources were supposed to be depleted, biodiversity used, because the world was made for the benefit of the humans (whether you speak religiously or scientifically). It was only the very greedy (who you have mentioned as the 'capitalists') who have gone to extremes for their personal benefits and that is where the environmentalists came in and they are telling everyone over and over again, 'please stop this unfair behaviour towards the poor and underprevileged of the world, they are not capable of eating up all the resources of the world, like you are'.

I hope you understand what I mean.|||I don't think redesigning EVERYTHING should come first. That would be next-to-impossible to do at the moment, unless a major upheaval might pop up out of the blue, and compels us to regress.

What can humanly be done is learn some humility toward our finite environment, give some thorough observation to what this world is about in terms of natural processes, and then come up with sensible solutions to our needs. Greed and excess riches to some is wholly unnecessary and, in the long run lethal to us all and possibly to the whole planet. Is my SUV that necessary, or should I try coming back to living closer downtown and walk is an example among zillions? General education and common sense in managing our "sacred" lifestyle is the simplest way to reach the goal you propose, yet the most awesome and difficult to achieve, I fear.

When we reach that step, redesign will probably have followed all by itself. At least, I hope.|||It doesn't have to be over night process, but slow gradual. Things get redesign all the time, so it won't hurt if you take enviornment into a account when you redesign something. Eventually things could become 'environmentally friendly' gradually. Nobody said its fast quick fix, but gotta get started some where.|||Likely not, but we do have to considerate to the environment. We are sustaining 6 billion people on the it even possible? Not without keeping things a little cleaner.

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